Thursday, May 15, 2008

Book Review - Happy Voodoo Gris Gris

Happy Voodoo Gris Gris by Mademoiselle De La Brindille. Text by Anne-Claire Leveque.
You can find this book on I was introduced to it by a dear friend, Denita. She said, " I don't know why but I just kept coming back to it. So I had to buy it." I was hooked from the cover. I love shrines.
This book is a guide to using your spirituality in art. Or express your spirituality with art all through your home and garden. Thirty projects in all.
Examples and how to's for tablecloths, personal shrines, protective charms, jewelry, window treatments, lamps.
Very up beat and easy to read.The photographs are great. Lots of eye candy.

1 comment:

  1. I love book and product reviews - thank you for sharing. I really like your blog too - just got back from the mountains of NC from vacation where I got to visit Random Arts. You are so lucky to live up in NC - such a supportive place for artists. Keep up the great work! Thank you, Jane


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