Sunday, May 4, 2008


Every week I will post some free images that I personnally own. I have spent many a happy hour rummaging around tag sales, garage sales, estate sales, an antique stores. No matter where I travel I have tried to bring home some kind of ephemera. I have a thing for these cabinet cards. It is like a small door into their lives. I often wonder what their hopes and dreams were, did they find that happiness they look like they are longing for. Please use these in your artwork and if you find the time please share with me what you have created with them.


  1. This is my first peek at your blog. It's wonderful.
    Colors, concise, loverly. {{*-*}}
    And thanks for the freebies.
    I L O V E birds too.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wonderful blog, Elisabeth, and so nice of you to share your cabinet cards! I found some old photos recently, too, and they set off the same kind of reactions seeing their faces and wondering about their lives. They sparked ideas for a painting series, as well.

  3. Ive created a black & white digital stamp from one of your shared images on your blog which I would like to use as part of my Artbuzz Challenge on NGS Group - can I pretty please use it for this purpose? :D

  4. Not sure if my last message went through but if it didnt. Im asking for permission to use one of your images in the artbuzz challenge on NGS group. Please email me & let me know if this is ok. Thanks!


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.