Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jezebel Sauce

Memorial Day weekend is almost here. I am going with friends to a big family "pig pickin". For those of you not from the south this is a fairly regular practice. There are specially made grills for barbecuing the pig and usually a few chickens or a turkey or two. The men get up at the crack of dawn and begin the ritual of cooking the pig with "their special" sauce. The women make all the side dishes and desserts. It is great food even if you don't like pig. There is usually a lot of liquid refreshments and Iced tea - always sweet.
Everyone sits around and tells "their stories". The children run around and play. It is so much fun to see all the generations of family. I am lucky to be included in my friends' family annual get together. My family is all over the place and we have a hard time gathering us all together like this.
This year I am planning ahead and have been going through my recipe file like crazy trying to find something to bring. I think I will bring two small dishes this year. I have decided on the Jezebel Sauce as a starter. So I am sharing this with you...

1 16 ounce jar of apply jelly
1 16 ounce jar of pineapple preserves
1 5 ounce jar of horseradish
1 1 1/2 ounce can dry mustard
2 or 3 8 ounce packages of cream cheese
Assorted Crackers

Mix the first four ingredients in a bowl. Cover and refrigerate.
Place one package cream cheese on small plate/I use a salad size plate.
Spread sauce over cream cheese. Serve with crackers.
[This sauce is good with meatballs and sliced ham]

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Elizabeth:
    I love, love your blog.
    Thank you very much for sharing the freebies and your beautiful artwork.
    I also enjoyed reading Maya Angelou
    's quotes. And what about the information you provide about women and their vote. Fabulous! Thank you for sharing your grandmother's experience! It sure makes you appreciate more this privilege.
    I am a Mexican woman and Freida's fan. So, I also appreciate your Freida's work and the comments you made about your experience in Mexico. When you are from there you sorta take things for granted.
    Again, thank you very much for your blog. I am glad I found it.


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