Friday, May 9, 2008

A Little Fabric Scrap Collage

Several issues ago in Quilting Arts Magazine was an article about an artist who made a small art quilt every month. At the end of the year she assembled them all together and made a quilt. After reading this I thought "What a great idea! Let's try that with something." It doesn't have to be a quilt, though that would be nice. It could be an art doll, or and ATC,or a small canvas.

So my quest for that one thing that I would think about and create once a month began. I started with a folder of ideas. What would hold my interest through the entire year. So I decided to experiment with different mediums. Above is my first little fabric scrap collage. I am making it into a pillow for my studio. I plan on making several as the scrap pile grows, but not twelve. My quest for the perfect art project is just that - a quest.

At first I felt a little bad about that. Then I realized isn't that what most artist do? The quest to get their ideas, visions out is some medium. And that by doing so it leads them down different paths of creativity. Opens new door within them. Sparks new ideas. Ahh this once a month could turn into a lifetime.

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