Saturday, May 10, 2008

North Carolina Artists

This month I am going to profile some North Carolina artists. I will profile other artists that inspire me and hopefully will inspire you. Some known and hopefully some new to you. I always get excited when I see new art work that speaks to me.

My mother is a great art lover. She has taken us all over to see art. Fortunately, she lives in a city where art galleries abound. The architecture is inspiring and there is public art everywhere even on street corners. Hmmm. " Where is that?" you ask. Our nation's capital. One of the best cities in the world to see art. Not only can you see it but, it is free. We as Americans own it. Don't you just love it? It is a wonderful city to immerse your inner muse in.

The first thing my mother an I do once the hugs and hello's are done is go through the art section in the paper. My mother usually has it waiting on the kitchen table for me. In my room are reviews she has saved for me. We pick an exhibit and that is something we can sneak off an enjoy together. She never minds if I want to take a little extra time or if I have to rent the headphones. Often I will glance over and she will nod at me, both of us so moved our eyes are glistening. Once out of the exhibit both of us raving, finishing each others sentences, breathing hard realizes what a miracle we have just witnessed.

I can't guarantee these artists will do all that for you, but I can guarantee they will give you some great ideas, techniques, and make you think about things you might not have thought of before.

First I will start with Nina Bagley. Nina is a jeweler an altered art artist. Her books are inspiring . Nina - long i - is from the mountains of North Carolina. This is her inspiration. Nature. She incorporates her love of nature into her art using such simple things as rocks, river stones and glass, sticks, and nests. These items you pass daily she turns into works of art. Metal, mica and nature images are all transformed into heart stopping designs. Add all of this to vintage watch cases, photograph albums, cook books, whatever has captured her eye and you find yourself looking at the world a bit differently. In the jewelry world she is known for her wraps and the "Nina Knot". Simple techniques once she explains them to you, but oh so effective.

I might add as tomorrow is Mother's Day that she has been a single mother of two boys while creating her art and career. Not an easy task.

Nina teaches classes here in North Carolina and in several of the big workshop venues nationally an internationally. Check her blog and website - on my sidebar - to see her list of classes and where she will be teaching. If you have the chance to take a class do it. I have taken several of her classes and workshops and always walk away with new skills an ideas. She is good at explaining techniques and there are many in just one class. There is lots of sharing of materials an experience among the students as well. You walk away wondering when the next class will be - wanting more.

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