Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Twist to a Technique

Hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day. I actually got to spend some time catching up on reading some magazines. There is always so much information and eye candy in some of them that you really do just have to set aside the time to give them there just do's. Perusing through this month's Somerset and Belle Armoire I noticed the two articles by Sue Bleiweiss.

The first article in Somerset - "Journal Fabric"sketchbooks caught my eye. I love to journal. I love fabric and canvas. Bright colors - good and the kicker - words. Very good instructions. Drawback for me is I don't have all of the paint and using a syringe to write with sounds like an inky mess in my klutzy hands. On to another magazine and keep it all in the back of your mind. I might add that at least once a month I like to take some technique that has caught my eye and actually make something. That is why I bought the magazine in the first place. Inspiration.

The second article in Belle Armoire "Scribbles on Color" is also excellent. More and more ideas of bright colors, word on canvas and silk. Again those craft syringes. In my best moments my handwriting is okay. Most of the time it is bad. That seems to be a plus with that project. Those syringes. Not sure about that still. I do have some pads of real canvas paper laying around. When I pulled the pads out it sort of hit me like a bolt of lightning. I don't need syringes I have a printer.

Having a printer and scanner means I can do the same stuff only with a little more control. No messy ink syringes. Time to experiment...

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