Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Button Fairy Dollz

In the last couple days I have seen several posts in some of the yahoo groups about button dollz or button faeries. I thought I would post a few of mine. So, here you go... I want to credit a couple of artists and give you a couple of sites to go to if these jazz you.

I first saw these on Belinda Spiwak's blog when she spoke about writing a "how to" article for Art Chix Studios. I believe the originator is a girl from Spain. She has a blog an a Flickr site under the name Nenufar Blanco. I think you will find all three very inspiring.

So grab a few images and your button bag jar and go make some fairies. I think they are really cute to put magnets on the back and use as refrigerator magnets. Or you could use them in your studio on a board there to help display your favorite art work or "to do lists".


  1. Love your button fairies (and all of your artwork). These little creations can really be addictive....I guess that's true for so much of mixed media and altered art!

  2. I just love your button fairies. I can't wait to try some of my own. They are so sweet. Beth

  3. I'm inspired! I have to make some. Thank you for the additional information about these. As I'm scrolling through your blog, I'm struck by how eclectic your style is. I can relate as I too play with a variety of styles in my work. I really love your work and will be back often to see what you are up to.


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