Saturday, July 19, 2008

Freebies #6

A few little ones for you to use in your personal art work. I think a lot of people have babies on the mind this time of year. Families are getting together to vacation, going to weddings, traveling to see loved ones, or waiting the arrival of a little one. So embrace the little ones in your life! They grow up too fast.


  1. I really appreciate your generosity, Elizabeth...your images are wonderful! It is so nice of you to share them with us. Hugs to you...gayle.

  2. Thank you!! These will be fun to use in a garden collage, they remind me of flowers,all layered and frou frou!

  3. Elizabeth, thank you so much for your generosity. these are so precious and lovely

  4. No babies around here any more. I miss them. None of my children are having more than two, who are all rapidly growing into little people.
    I appreciate your letting me know about the transfer tags. I'm going there now.

    Thank you so much for the freebies!


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