Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Needle Felted ATC's

Last week I received my new issue of 'Paper Clothe and Scissors" magazine. I don't know about you but I love this magazine. I always try to do at least one project out of each publication of every art magazine I get. That to me is the purpose of reading these magazines. To be inspired and learn new techniques. The article by Kelli Perkins was inspiring. Plus, I already had a rainbow of roving and the needle felting tool.[ Someone had convinced me a year ago I simply had to try it.] Lots of left over felt sheets from a previous project. Some beads. I think I had everything I needed.

So, with magazine at hand, a comfortable chair and a good movie I was off. These are my first samples of needle felted ATC's. Remember they are my first stab. I can see how I progressed. The flowers were fun. I decided to make my own garden. The birds nest was off the cuff. Lack of brown roving sent me to the yarn pile. The results were better than expected. I found the whole process to be extremely relaxing.The jabbing definitely gets out any inner frustrations. Also , a little bit of roving goes a long way. I also machine stitched on most of the ATC's . I like the effect and it sort of just binds it all together. The beads glam it up and make it all sparkling. Sparkling is good.


  1. They are wonderful-- Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. That's cool. I tried some needle felting last winter, too. Just did some practice pieces. I was trying to felt fibers together to make the background for embellisments and it turned out ok. Not a big OK. A little one. I'm looking forward to trying more.
    Meanwhile, felt on, girl. these are looking good.

  3. I love these! I haven't tried my felting machine yet, but this is great inspiration to get it out!

  4. all my needle felting is three dimensional...so this was great, another was of looking at a technique!

  5. I just read the article and marked it because I thought they were fun....but you beat me to it! They are so much fun and should be in the magazine! Nice art!!!!!!!

  6. Love your felted ATC's! I got that issue of CPS also and am going to try some as well..yours turned out really well!

  7. Felted ATCs are adorable. I learned to felt fibers in college in the mid '70s. The class got a whole sheep's wool, split it up, scoured and dyed it, then hand carded and felted it by hand. Imagine the growth in this interest since then! They're very great, Elizabeth.

  8. These are awesome! I need to practice! My CPS got lost in a pile and I just found it yesterday and saw that article! I love yours, you're much better at this than I am!


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