Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Snippet Art Dolls

I call these "snippets" because you really only use a bit of fabric. The biggest piece is the back piece. The front is just randomly sewing together the"dress" and sewing on her face. Embellish with buttons or beads before you sew the front and back together.

Lesley Riley calls these "fragment" dolls. Here again you are just using small fragments of left over fabric. When I first saw hers I fell in love. Several years later when I was able to have a sewing room and really started to sew again. I started to accumulate those little snippets of fabric. I am not quite sure why I am unable to throw out a small scrap of fabric, but I can't. No excuse. I have an old wooden "in box" on my sewing desk that I just toss them into. When I accumulate enough I make a doll. These are some of my dolls. Two are around 14 inches tall and two are around eight inches tall. If you look closely the small doll that says "sing" is from the scraps from my quilt square. I made her for a friend today. I hope you will look twice at your scraps and recycle them into another piece of art.


  1. I like your snippet art dolls! And thank you for the free images.


  2. Your dolls are wonderful! I love the look of them. I'm not a sewing person, but after seeing your dolls I wish I was! :)

  3. I love lesley rileys fragment dolls and love your take on them too. I have made two! and while i love the bodies [painted my fabric], their heads look awful!!!!I like the way you have done yours,thanks for the free images too jenxo

  4. these are NICE! I'm such a saver, we have many many snippets waiting
    to be made . . .

    thanks for sharing, and for stopping by to visit me. ummm, I'm just going to link to your blog if that's okay, or I'll never be able to find you again.

    yes, I really AM that computer pathetic . . .

  5. these are NICE! I'm such a saver, we have many many snippets waiting
    to be made . . .

    thanks for sharing, and for stopping by to visit me. ummm, I'm just going to link to your blog if that's okay, or I'll never be able to find you again.

    yes, I really AM that computer pathetic . . .

  6. I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your dolls. Somerset is having an all call for sewn dolls. Go check out their website!!

  7. those are wonderful! I can't throw away my scraps either! I sometimes shred them up with the rotary cutter and layer them under tulle and stitch them into a sheet of fabric to use for doll clothes and elf coats.
    I'm going to check out the link to the fragment dolls.

  8. What a great idea. We all have snippets of stuff laying around. I think I will try this and see what I come up with.


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