Monday, August 18, 2008

Bandana Tags

These tags I made for a tag swap on one of the Yahoo groups run by "Trish Bee". It is called the Creating Chaos Swap group. A very talented group. Our mission was to take two tags joined together and use the Bandanna technique on them. I used two sizes of tags.

The smaller tags are easier to cover with a large collage style stamp. The larger size tags make you do a little more of your own design work. I used juiced up chalk pads for most of them. The last two I used spray inks on. I just happen to like the green and purple of the chalks. The dye inks are very rich in color. The chalks leave your paper and tags a little heavier. I also like the range of colors in the chalk ink for this project. I think there is more control with the pad than with the spray bottle.

I took the tags and just randomly placed the pads on the tags. I waited in between colors for them to dry as to not contaminate the pads with other colors. With the spray - I set the tags on copy paper inside a shallow box and spray. If your bottles become plugged. Use a pin to press into the nozzle hole gently to unplug the sprayer. Be sure to do this with nozzle hole away from your face - voice of experience talking. The copy paper with the extra sprayed ink can make interesting backgrounds for other projects. I hope my swap person likes her tags.


  1. I love your technique for these tags!!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great tags, especially the green and purple ones - lovely!

  3. These are very beautiful - well done!


  4. I love these, your color combinations - as with your other art pieces - are stunning. Thanks for sharing the technique and your uniqueness!!

    I referenced your site on my blog - hope it's ok:)


  5. love the backgrounds!beautiful tags!

  6. These are so gorgeous I could stare at them forever! Very inspiring!

  7. Gorgeous!!!!!! I'll have to Google bandana technique, not familiar with it.

  8. These tags are wonderful...each and everyone of them!


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