Monday, August 18, 2008

Buttons Buttons - Who Made all of these?

For a few hours on Saturday night I became a button factory. One of my art friends has a Button Biz machine. Orleta very generously shares her machine with us, only charging us her costs for the button supplies. I made up most of the collages before hand and brought other suitable images to use for buttons. Sometimes just a wonderful piece of paper makes a stunning button.
This is a little closer view of some of the buttons. I think these are so fun. I love to pin them on a purse or trade for something with them. If you add a magnet to the back, they make really cute magnets for the art room. I made a couple this time to add to my dolls. Such simple things can make us so happy. Thank You Orleta!


  1. I love these! what a great idea! Melinda

  2. What fun!!!! Iam goin check out the machine!!!

  3. These are AWESOME Elizabeth! Are you selling them anywhere?

  4. These are awesome! My daughter has been eyeing a button machine and I was thinking I could use it too and do the same thing! Great minds think alike!


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