Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fabric Felted ATC's

First let me just say I LOVE my needle felting machine. It is so cool. I am doing that quilt square exchange and thought I might do a felted square this month. I had all this purple fabric I purchased for pennies at a yard sale. I had a purple piece of craft felt and thought why not.

I first covered the whole piece in fabric shapes. Squares and rectangles. Thinking this would give it a quilt look. I then added the wool roving in several shades of purple. After that I sewed the whole piece with my sewing machine in various stitches around the fabric pieces and the wool roving. I found a piece of lilac purple lace and added that. Then, some eyelash yarn.

At this point, I became undecided about using it as a quilt square. The girl I was sending it to had her first sender not follow through. How disappointing. I knew it needed to be special and here I was just randomly playing. I knew then that this going to be a fabric ATC project that maybe I could trade with some other people and make a special quilt square with the remaining fabric.

The top two pictures are the ATC's I was able to cut from the sheet of fabric felted felt. [say that three times fast] The bottom picture is the fabric felted piece of felt. I was able to get eight ATC's and had some scrap pieces left over. I love the size and feel of the ATC's. I am not sure if they are finished. Should I add some beads? Maybe an image?


  1. Looks like you've had a lot of fun playing with the new machine!! Beautiful colours ... maybe play with adding something to a couple of them and see how you feel about it? Enjoy :)

  2. Oh Elizabeth...I love these...they are like small are so talented...keep up the fabulous work...Your colors are awesome.


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