Thursday, August 28, 2008

Freebies #10 from Texas

Watching all the hurricane and tropical storm warnings on the television made me think of Texas and the Gulf of Mexico. So this week I pulled out a bunch of photos from Texas. The first four are the Willson kids - also spelled Wilson - from Taylor Texas. The baby is Katherine and the other two are Lizzie and Lena. The last photo is from Houston an I wondered about the cabinet card photo of the little girl sitting on the chair with the young child. I hope you can use some of these.


  1. Thank you for the wonderful photos, Elizabeth!

  2. thank you so much for sharing these delightful photos! i just love older photos of little ones.


  3. Thank you for the lovely photos Elizabeth. We just went past Tyler in the truck in fact. Wierd huh? lol. We got out of New Orleans yesterday and made it to Dallas. We were going to get a hotel room as we have all weekend but the news is talking about how many people are expected to evacuate to here so we decided to just stay in the truk in case they need the rooms. They are talking about it hitting on Monday night or Tuesday morning now. Have a safe weekend. Hugz, Scary

  4. I love all your freebie photos elizabeth! In fact I have used them and I finally made snippets! Thank you so much! Melinda


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