Saturday, August 2, 2008

Old Cupboard - New Look

This cupboard sits in my kitchen. I have had quite a mess in my house for the past few weeks. I had some water damage and had to have my kitchen floors replaced, sanded, stained, and a finish put on them. It has been a saga that would bore you to tears! Trust me I almost came to tears a few times, but humor won out.

While the furniture an appliances were moved I decided to repaint my kitchen. Of course this led to changing things around, new color scheme, some new decorating, etc... I have a large collection of ironstone and white pottery - Thank you to my grandmother for this - so I decided to move my green pottery and pull out the white. I was even able to find a place for a couple of last week's garage sale finds.

I love it. I cannot even begin to explain how big of a difference it makes. It is so clean and bright and I love the simple lines of it. It also looks so great in my really cool oak cupboard. It makes my whole kitchen so inviting. Plus , I think about my grandmother and somehow that always gives me strength. She was a very creative person, also very independent and strong minded.
I think she would be very pleased.

1 comment:

  1. the white dinnerware looks great against the dark wood!!
    you did good!!


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