Thursday, August 7, 2008

Purple Quiltie Squares for August

Remember that fabric I bought for 25 cents at a yard sale a couple of weeks ago? Well this is what I made with some of it. My monthly quiltie square swap is purple this month. We do a 6 1/2 inch by 6 1/2 inch square and send it to our assigned person for the month. I am making two so that in the end I will have two art quilts.

The center of my quilt is an idea that I got from the new issue of Teesha Moores' Art and Life.
This is one of my favorite zine's. She is so inspirational and her colors are right up my alley - bright - bold - and full of life. So, thank you Teesha for the wonderful felt flowers and I hope my swap recipient loves her quiltie square.


  1. I love these purple quilties! I wish I had signed up for the swap. Oh well, next time. I too, subscribe to Teesha's Zine and am always inspired by her work.

  2. Beautiful colors. Love the Zetti.

  3. Oh these are just gorgeous! Love the purples! What group do you trade the quilties on? Marva


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