Thursday, August 7, 2008

Row Houses Deux

I tell you these are addicting. I did these tonight to send off as extra's for some swaps I am in. They are just too fun!


  1. Hi Elizabeth,
    I just discovered your blog and absolutely LOVE it!
    I was inspired by your row houses and made some of my own with family photos. I posted them on my blog
    and since I am a brand new blogger I haven't figured out how to link IN a post. I added your blog to my favorites so people could see your version. I hope you don't mind. BTW- your grandbaby is gorgeous!
    Jennifer R.D.

  2. Elizabeth..the Row Houses are awesome...if you have extras you know where to send them....
    Aren't grandchildren the best...they just grow up toooo fast. Linda

  3. These are wonderful! I really have to get my rear in gear and try some! Love the colors you used!


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