Monday, August 18, 2008

Saturday - A Day of Liberation

On Saturday my art friends in Raleigh invited me up for a small meal and yummies and some art making to celebrate my birthday and liberation. Everyone needs to celebrate being liberated on a regular basis I think. It was a beautiful day. Sunny, Carolina blue sky, the smell of the seasons changing and a little cooler than normal. Perfect.

I don't make it to Raleigh - the big city - as often as I would like and I have to try and fit in as much as possible. I try to make a list of supplies to pick up and stick to it. Wool roving and gesso from Jerry's were the two biggies on my list. I stopped and picked up some felt roving in more earthy colors. With fall coming I know I will be inspired by the colors. I see some landscapes, trees and leaf ATC's in my future. Gesso from Jerry's and I am good to go. Now off to the antique store my girlfriends are always raving about. It is called Susanna's and is suppose to be quite eclectic. That turned out to be an understatement. When I pulled up the front yard is covered with little vignettes of outside rooms with all sorts of stuff. I do mean"stuff", mantles, doors, windows, pottery, garden furniture, you name it it is there. The really nice thing it is sort of arranged by color or theme. Inside is full to the brim with wonderful delights. I have never seen so many things crammed into a small little set of buildings. I was in heaven. I wished I had had a couple of hours to just wind my way through everything, but I was on a schedule and people were waiting for me....I am not one who likes to be late or keep people waiting. So off to my girlfriends for an evening of art, food and friendship.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how cool! I want to go! I love the pink flamingo decoration at the top!


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