Friday, August 15, 2008

Southern Strawberry Pie

The morning of my birthday my high school and still best girlfriend called and said, " I would make you strawberry pie for breakfast if I was there." I have a real thing for fresh strawberry pie and a good cup of tea. So here is my recipe, share it with a friend it tastes so much better that way.

1 cooled 9 inch baked pie shell
1 8 ounce package of cream cheese
1 quart fresh strawberries
1 cup sugar a pinch of salt
3 tablespoons cornstarch
Sweetened whipped cream

Soften cream cheese with a little cream. Spread over the bottom of pie shell. Dip half of the strawberries [one pint] in sugar and set close together on the cream cheese. Mash the remaining berries or put in blender and puree. Mix 1 cup sugar and 3 tablespoons cornstarch and add to mashed berries, add a pinch of salt. Cook slowly over low to medium heat till thick, about ten minutes.[don't burn] Cool and pour over berries. Chill. Serve with whipped cream and a nice pot of tea.


  1. Hi Elizabeth...I found you on glue monkeys...thanks for your nice comments. You have a great site, I'll be sure to keep it on my favs so I can check everything out. I liked reading the stories you made up about each photo.

  2. when I was growing up my mother made strawberry pies for my birthday every year - the photo makes me long for a piece!
    where can I find your cards for sale??

  3. This strawberry pie recipe sounds so yummy and so super simple to do. Thank you for putting it up. I love your artwork too.

  4. Yummy yummy! Elizabeth - I hope you don't mind but I love your blog and just passed on an award - you need to go to my blog to get the details!


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