Saturday, September 6, 2008

6" by 8" Canvas Panels

At the start of the summer I gave my self a challenge. I would paint or collage one of these canvas panels every week. By the time next summer rolled around I would have at least 52 of them. I told myself that they could be experiments, or ways to use up scrap paint and paper, anything just make art on them. Now I have quite a few of them under my belt. I thought I would share a few with you. The one that says"flutter" I did last night during the storm. I found it so interesting that the only sign of life yesterday were the butterflies.

On all three of these I used acrylic paints and inks, scrap papers, actual transparencies or transfered the image from a transparency with gel medium. The gel make the actual transparency crackle. Which can be interesting in itself. The image I used on the "memories" one is in one of the group of freebies in the archive section of my blog.

I have found these to be fun, quick and hard not to do the same thing over and over on. I think that is the biggest challenge. I have started doing a color theme with some of the panels. Also using some other materials on them has been effective. The one thing I have learned is I have a definite comfort zone.


  1. I really adore these, you did a TERRIFIC job! I really love the first one. I wish I could give myself goals like you have and actually stick to them till the end. I really never can get them done .lol. Have a wonderful remainder to your weekend!

  2. well i sure learned something, elizabeth. thanks, love the first one best. turns out i have michael de meng's rusty things book checked out right now from the library, and after googling steampunk, i am appreciating his connections to it.

  3. Good Work! What a great challenege for yourself and we get to see the wonderful results! Kudos! Cathee


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