Monday, September 15, 2008

I Get to Brag a Little

Some of you who know me, know that I have a younger and very talented sister. She is a writer and has written over thirty published books. Fantasy and history are her thing. She has done some very amazing things. Well she just returned from California with a new book deal with Del Rey and Lucasbooks to be one of three authors writing a nine new Star Wars books series called Fate of the Jedi. These will be their first Star Wars hard cover books ever published.
You can read all about it here. Go Christie! You rock girl! You can also go to my sister's web site and read all about her, or just Google Christie Golden.


  1. Congrats Elizabeth!! You're obviously very proud of her and I think that's wonderful!

  2. Eeeeeeeeee-YAOW!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS to your kid sister, Christie!!!! I'm a BIG STAR WARS fan, myself!!! Woo!!! Hoo!!!!

  3. Well CONGRATULATIONS and MAY THE FORCE stay with her as she starts on this awesome adventure, and no wonder you are so proud of your sister xxxx

  4. Hi Elizabeth,
    I have a sweet award for you waiting on my blog.


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