Sunday, September 21, 2008

Up to My Eyeballs with Bandanna Technique

This is my kitchen table covered with 4" by 4" watercolor paper stamped and bandanna'd. I am in a technique group on yahoo and we got swept away with making the biggest "technique chunky book" ever. It is so big we dropped the chunky and decided for obscene. There are 120 of us brave souls, each with a different technique. Actually it is a very cool idea, hosted by Sherre Hubert.

Each of the 120 artists does a separate technique for all 120 artists. When completed and assembled and mailed out to each artists they should have a book or pages to a book with 120 different techniques. I chose the bandanna technique.

Let me just say making a 120 of anything can be quite painful. Luckily I love the bright colors and I could use different stamps. I also did not fully complete each page so that you can tell the before and after, the highlighted and doodled areas, etc. it would have taken way to long to complete and totally flourish, doodle, and highlight out 120 pages. I did do quite a bit though.

After completing your pages we then had to write the directions for our technique on the back. We all chose to bind or store our book ourself. Many of the techniques might not lend themselves to binding. Also 120 pages is huge! I am not sure what kind of binder will bind all of that. When I receive mine I will share with ya'll. I can't wait. My pages leave Monday for Sherre's house.


  1. What a brilliant idea to have this technique booklet......and what a brave soul you are to do it! i am really liking that bandana technique too jenxo

  2. i started to sign up for this but
    it became so large so quick!
    i felt overwhemmed just watching the sign up!
    you were brave!
    and this page is beautiful...
    as is all the pages i have seen going into the swap
    you will have a lovely book

  3. Elizabeth,
    I also participated in the 120 person chunky book swap as did my girlfriend. Ours went in the mail yesterday. Can't wait to see your bandana print ones. It was a lot to do, but what a great resource it will be to have.

    Fran Podlesney
    Annandale, VA

  4. What an incredible idea!! I think that is what I like most about these online groups - the neat attitude the people all have to share their knowledge with each other.


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