Sunday, August 31, 2008

Yard Sale Saturday

It has been several weeks since I have had the luxury to go yard saling. My days have been filled with family and friends. The end of summer activities. Saturday, I had to drag myself out of bed. I knew I would regret it it if I didn't get up. All week I had been mulling around if I would drive to Virginia to the 25 mile long yard sale to meet a friend. By Thursday night I had decided to stay home and not waste the time and gas, but to go yard saling here. I figured in the ride to Virginia and back I would spend enough in gas to pay for a month of yard saling here.

So off to the sales. The first two were rather disappointing. I did meet a sweet young girl selling her books. Her mother had bought her all the best. She had obviously outgrown them, but was having a hard time parting with them. How cool is that? I bought a couple bucks worth of board books. I found the only gilted board book I have ever seen.

Just a round the corner some fellows selling off a women's stuff. I found three old glass bottle stoppers-they must be for all those bottles I bought a few weeks ago-and a darling bird toothpick holder. I also found two pieces of white pottery that weren't white when I bought them. I spent quarters here.

Next a young couple that were bursting with pride over their son. Too cute. I bought the sea glass and two turquoise glass Polish vases from them. A dollar a piece. Yeah, my two collections are covered in less than a mile. Time for breakfast.

The next two stops were a guy moving back to the beach and an estate. He had scary masks and the owls. I have a friend who collects owls and I love the little wooden box. Sold. The estate was hard. I always feel like an interloper. I bought the two pyrex bowls in my favorite colors, two needle kits, the ruler, the beaded purse, the marbles, some bingo pieces, tape measure, a bag of buttons, playing cards and a table cloth. Time to take my finds home. Today I spent $10.75. Not too shabby.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely sea glass !!! great colors I have it all in green ;o)


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