Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Altered Puzzle Pieces

This is my altered puzzle pieces for a local group I am in. We meet once a month to share ideas, encouragement, show our latest, and work on projects. We just completed a six month project where we each worked in each other's altered book - I will post some of those pictures this week. We had so much fun we all decided to do an altered puzzle.

Each one of us - there are eight of us doing the puzzle - got identical puzzles, numbered, initialed, and gessoed them, and picked a theme. We each alter three puzzle pieces from each puzzle. My theme is "The Raven". I can't wait to see what they do with that. I worked on Janet's last month and her theme is Time. I used old watch gears and a watch crystal on hers. I like the Steampunk vibe from it. I hope she does. It is nice having a different theme each month.


  1. You did a great job on your puzzle piece! I love altering puzzles pieces!

  2. This is the first time I've seen altered puzzle pieces and it has inspired me to try it. This piece of art is gorgeous! Terry


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