Monday, October 13, 2008

A Couple of Needle Felted Birds

blue bird
Mr Crow
I really miss being outside. One of the things I miss the most are my birds. There are so many different types of birds here. The migration has probably started. So, these little felted birds are my way of being close to them.


  1. I love these!!! You, my dear, are one creative chick! (chic? chik?) You get the point!!!

  2. These are very nice, Elizabeth. I love birds also. I have 4 parrots.
    Beautiful work!

  3. Those birds are precious. I especially love the crow, but I think that is because I am one myself!

  4. Oh I love these felted birdies! Most of the birds in our yard have migrated as well. I will wait patiently for spring...Hugs.

  5. These are gorgeous! I really like the machine stitching details too ....

    BTW - I enjoy your blog .... I think we are kindred spirits by the look of our banners if they were side by side :)


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