Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fabric Paper Book

This is a small book I made out of one of the sheets of fabric paper I have made. There is lot of talk on some of the art groups and yahoo art groups about fabric paper. I decided I had better make something with it or it would just be another one of those things that sits around.

I was reading about an updated way to use one sheet of something - in this case canvas - to make a book in Paper, Cloth, and Scissors magazine by Debbi Crane. I remember doing this with paper when I was in school. It occurred to me that this would be a great thing to try with the fabric paper.

I decided to just fold my fabric paper and make a book. After I made the one cut and made the book, I sewed the fabric paper with my sewing machine. I did this very randomly. I sewed the pages together last. I then added some more images and went to a box of trades an embellishments an added what I thought was appropriate. This was a fun little book to make. You can see the original fabric paper a few posts down.


  1. Just awesome!!! I think I'm going to try making the paper. I'll let you know how it comes out!

  2. Hi, I came to take a peak. You posted on Trish's group. Lovely, lovely work.

  3. I love this book you made! Love your blog! I am so glad you left the link on Experimental Acrylics yahoo group.

  4. What a fab idea for your paper, it's lovely


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