Saturday, October 4, 2008

Felt Needle Cases

These are little felt house needle holder books. I am in a private tip in exchange. Each month we have to make a page for someone in our group according to their book's theme. The month of September my partner's size and theme was 4" by 4" and Grandmother's Sewing Box. Also, she is not doing a book, but putting her pages in a container. I was rambling around the web and discovered this pattern and thought - aha! I will make her a needle book and attach it to her page with a fancy button. Doesn't every sewing box have a needle holder? I know when I was young, maybe ten, I made one for my mom - a book with a felt cat on it out of felt.

The book consists of a front, back, and a page or two in between. I put a few needles in the pages. The roof of the house is sewn together and the book opens from the bottom. I made two. One for my partner and one for me. I sent her the orange and purple one - the one I liked best. I hope she likes it.....


  1. THE LITTLE NEEDLE CASES ARE LOVELY!!!! hmmmm...and debbie only lives a couple of blocks from me...hmmm...may have to sneak over and BORROW


  2. What a great idea! I like pages that "think outside the box" or outside the book, LOL!! Hmmm, I'm going to have to make these for the girls in my life..... soooo cute!

  3. I just love your needle books! Very cute.

  4. Did I already tell you that these were so cute?

  5. These are really cute! I may try to make one. I keep saying i'm going to make a pin cushion but still haven't. I sure need these tho. =) HUGS


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