Sunday, October 12, 2008

Needle Felted Landscapes

This darn broken foot is so limiting. If I sit with my foot down for too long, I end up with sausages for toes and a lot of fluid in my foot. They tell me this will go away in the next week or so. I hope they are right. I ventured into the sewing room this weekend. I have two quilt blocks I need to sew and get off in the mail. I have discovered that ironing on one leg is hard, using a rotary cutter on one leg can be dangerous, and do things in small amounts.

Lucky for me I have a big comfy chair and ottoman in my sewing room so in between tasks I can sit and have my foot up. During these moments I have decided to felt and hand sew. I am not very skilled in either, but practice does help a lot I am told.

I have really gotten into anything to do with felt. I have been all of the internet and yahoo looking up supplies, techniques, and different felting blogs. All I can say is thank goodness for the internet. Here are a couple of landscapes I made while resting my foot. I tried to use different techniques with each of them to see what I liked and what I didn't. I enjoyed adding the bird to the over all piece, beads alway highlight something, and machine sewing is good to define areas. I need to finish the edges and sort of fine tune them, but you get the general idea.


  1. Glad you were happy to be tagged - I was hoping it didn't upset anyone to get it. I know some people are anti-tag-blogaward types!

    I have started some felting lately. Did you wet felt the backgrounds first before you needlefelted on them?

    They look wonderful!

  2. I love your landscapes - especially the trees. Are the trees felted and stitched, or just stitched? I've gotten into felting lately, but haven't done any landscapes yet. I think that's next.

  3. I really lie the dyptich of trees and this last landscape--I "imagine" the beads to be sheep dotting the hills!

  4. Fun, fun, fun! They look great. I really like the last one with the blue, brown, and orange sun. You can always send that one to me. Hope you are back on both your feet soon.

  5. Hope your foot is better soon,
    Lovely embellisher work


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