Sunday, October 5, 2008

Row House Skinnies

These Row House Skinnies are for a swap. We are to make a skinny from 6" by 4" to 5" by 3" and our row house is to be the predominant thing on the skinny. Of course I signed up for this swap. I love making these houses. With my broken foot I am limited to what I have access to as far as art supplies and sewing, so these were fun to do while I elevated the old toes. The large crow on the top one is one of those sort of glittery, shiny, heavy sticker things you see at Halloween. My scanner had a hard time deciding what to do with him. In real life he looks black and when the light hits him glittery. The background stamps are some of the large Hero Arts background stamps.


  1. Never made skinnies! They look great!

  2. Absolutely wonderful, Elizabeth! I love them all.

  3. I just love these, Elizabeth! And those formica tags are spooktacular! hahaha -- no, really, they're my favourites.

  4. These are all fabulous, unfortunetly I don't think you are sending to me. They are so colourful, love all of them


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