Sunday, November 16, 2008

Familiy Freebies

November is a month we start to concentrate on Family and all the things we are thankful for. I thought I would share some family type photos as my freebies this week.

A very important day. I am thinking Mother's Day or maybe this young girl is off to meet her future husband. Her father is very proud of her. They share more than just their looks. Mother is a little too practical.

Here the young girl is years later with all of her in- laws, husband and son. Recognize her? She is the one in the second row second from the left with the little boy. I can't help wondering if she is wondering how she got there.

Ahh the young couple ready to begin their own family. He looks extremely amused. She is the more serious of the two. The bead work on her dress is lovely. I believe it is one of those pieces that is tacked on and then removed when the dress is laundered. In some of my flea marketing I have run across a couple of these bead pieces. They are wonderful.

This family from Iowa looks very disconnected. Father looking in a separate direction while the two women stare straight on at the photographer. I wonder what could possibly been so important that the father would not engage in the whole process.

I really love this Texas family. What pioneers they must have been to have seven children. The mother and father look so young. I am pretty sure there were more kids. This photograph is definitely not in the most pristine condition. I like the yellow color and all the fading. It has possibilities. I think the thing I like the most is how well taken care of each child is. The boys hair all combed and the little girls dresses are so pretty, I think that thing in front of them might be a dog.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth,
    Very cool photos! The last one is very cool, but take a good look at the mother! She looks very young and not very happy. That life was hard and if they were more children... oh my goodness!


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