Sunday, November 30, 2008

Freebies #11 - Antique Children's Book

This weekend my oldest son and I went through some of my book collection. He loves books just like his mom. I ran across a lot of the antique books I bought when I was pregnant with my first couple of boys. [I have five boys] I thought I would share some of them with you.

The beautifully illustrated covers just make me want to open them and see what they have to say. All of these are copyright free and date from 1883 to 1925. I hope they will be a reminder of one of the best gifts you can give someone. The gift of a book. The gift of knowledge.

With the holidays just around the corner if you are not giving something handmade you might want to consider a book. A book is a good excuse to sit down and cuddle with someone you love. A book can take you any where. It can open the doors to far away places, help you learn a new art, fix your sink, or grow a garden. The possibilities are endless.


  1. Yay for books!! I say. These images are just scrummy. You have a treasure there. I am trying to watch out for these sorts of books at book sales etc. Books are just a wonderful connection with your children!

  2. thanks for taking time to post and share - these are really great!

  3. Thanks for sharing these, Elizabeth! I appreciate your generosity.


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