Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Happy Thanksgiving to All

I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with good food and good friends, family and loved ones. I am going to be remembering all that I am thankful for, how truly blessed I am. Aren't we lucky to have a day to celebrate these blessings? A chance to tell those who mean so much to us how thankful we are for them? Enjoy your day and thank you for all the positive things you have all brought to my life.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    We are lucky to have a day where as a nation we stop to give thanks. I'm hoping this gratitude continues long after the holiday season.

    xoxo k

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to your and yours Elizabeth! There is indeed so much to be thankful for oxo

  3. Here in New Zealand, thanksgiving does not quite have the recognition it has in the States. However, I am thankful for every day of life, with its highs and lows. It is just good to be alive and well.

  4. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and a lovely relaxing holiday season!

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    have a creative day!

  5. Elizabeth - I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I ate too much! Anyway, I gave you a blog award, details on my blog. :) Marva


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