Friday, November 21, 2008

My New Journal

I have kept a journal of sorts ever since I can remember. Sometimes I would just keep lists of all the things I would want to do, had to do, and things I did. Journals with letters to my kids, hopes and dreams, watching them grow, the wonder of it all. Pictures of places I have been and places I want to go. Paint and fabric for new houses. Hurts and disappointments, losses of friends, pets, people I love. Small pieces glued, taped, written, and painted in books.

I have done this long before there were day planners or formal journals you buy in a store. Some I have kept, some I have shredded, and some I have burned. Many I work on everyday - others when the mood strikes me. All help me understand the things happening in my life and what is important to me. Some are Art Journals others are intensely personal.

It seems the last ten to fifteen years they have become even bigger parts of my life. I loved to make books and what is not more perfect than to make your own journal? Along with that the growth and acceptance of people keeping a journal. Even doing it in public. [ I think the day planners had a lot to do with that. ] At any given time I may have three or four journals going.

I have found books on journaling and several on line journaling groups and classes. There has been explosive growth in journal sales. One of the large chain bookstores has a whole wall of beautiful journals in every size imaginable. They sell more journals in December and January than any other months.

I decided to join an online group after visiting several blogs and websites. I enjoy the "prompts" and the spiritual part of journaling. I have made soul cards and am starting a "Soul Journal". Time to get in touch with me? So, of course I had to make a special journal just for this.

I decided to use a small three ring binder as my journal. This way I could work on a page and then add it to my journal. I could paint and sew and do whatever with that page and not have to worry about damaging any other pages. I could also divide the pages and do other journal pages other than just the prompts from that one group if I felt like it. I thought I would share it with you. Who knows you might have the perfect binder to turn into a new journal for you.

front cover and spine
back cover and spine


  1. I absolutely love your journal and what a fantastic idea to make it in a ring binder. Really beautiful. Loved reading about your lifelong love of journals too.

  2. Beautiful. And I never thought about a 3-ring binder as an altered piece. Duh. thanks for waking me up to simplicity.

  3. Lovely beginning to what I am sure will be a gorgeous art journal...good to hear that I am not the only one who pastes in things, writes lists, notes & ideas in their journals...or is this one just for "finished" art?...either way, it is great!

  4. This is so wonderful! My Soul Journal cover hasn't been designed yet. I've been working on the pages on the inside and have been waiting to complete the cover at the very end. You've really inspired me.

    I love how you repeated the image along the top. The color blue has never looked so good to me!

  5. Wow, I just love these journal pages. And the whole idea, although I do NO journaling. Maybe I should reconsider.

    I love the colors you used here, they are just beautiful together. Very beautiful pages indeed!!!

    You have a great blog here! I've been enjoying it. I like your tip about Murphy's Oil Soap. I use that also to "unstick" brushes, it works great. I didn't know I could also use on stamps. Thanks for the useful tip.


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