Monday, November 17, 2008

New Art Supplies

My first real excursion in 8 weeks was to Jerry's Artarama's big four day art thing in Raleigh. Art of the Carolina's. One of my son's drove up there with me and helped me out. I was not sure how well I would do. The art retreat takes place at the Hilton. Lots of nationally known artist teaching and venders from all the big art suppliers were there. I had signed up to take classes, but when I broke my foot I knew it was not going to happen. I canceled and got my money back. That was a sad day.

Taking the classes is great, but the art supply prices are beyond reasonable. They always have "show" specials and that is what I generally go for. Above are some of my purchases. The gesso was $5.99 for the bucket, the metallic oil pastels were $3.00 for the box, etc... I bought the metallic paint sticks and texture plates for more unbelievable prices. I figured if I couldn't take classes I could say hey to some friends and buy some supplies to make art with. I felt like I did when I was a child and got that new box of crayons. Now it is my pastels that make me weak in the knees.

The North Carolina Mixed Media Guild worked the show and had several tables displayed. They also had an ATC "make and take" table available. Sort of a no stress art table or two to pass the time and make new friends at. I showed my face and made a few ATC's. So good to see old friends and new. I am always amazed at the energy level at these retreats. [I did come home and sleep most of the next day after my excursion, but it was worth it.]


  1. Hi Elizabeth~
    I love your blog...
    Your supplies look wonderful, like I want to dive in!
    I am happy to report that I drew your name for 2nd prize for my giveaway. Please email your address and I will send off your goodies. Thanks so much for playing...

  2. My friend Jodi was there at the guild too..

  3. I am SO jealous!! You got some awesome supplies - and it sounds like you paid phenomenal prices. I used to live in NC and now curse my move across the country. lol I hate that you had to cancel but I'm glad you got your money back and were at least able to go and check things out. It sounds like an amazing event...even just for the prices!

    Katherine :)

  4. Pleased to hear your foot is better, Love all the Goodies you bought.

  5. Hi Elizabeth, How cool that you were able to get to Jerry's Artarama event. I took advantage of a coupon on his webstie for a set of soft pastels. I'd been anxious to get a set,but they are so expensive and so this was a good chance to get them at a reasonable price. It is fun to see the beautiful things you found there.

  6. Wow. Looks like you got some great art supplies....and the prices were amazing! Wish I could've gone, but that would be hard, living here in Colorado. I can relate to your excitement at getting these yummy supplies!!! What fun to tear into them and start using them, eh?

    You recently tagged me, and wrote to read about it on your blog, but I'm not finding anything about it on your blog. So please email me as to what I should do, okay? Thanks.

    Also, I love the art on your blog. You make wonderful art! Very artful eye candy, to be sure. I enjoyed visiting your fine blog. I see you have a number of blog awards, which are well deserved.

  7. I am doing some serious coveting! Melinda

  8. Hi Elizabeth!! It was great to meet you this last weekend and I will treasure the cards you made :) You found some deals I must have missed...wahhhh!! I shouldn't whine, I picked up so many things that I should just be pure ashamed of :)

    Like I was saying on Friday--thank you for helping make my artistic train leave the station!!!

  9. I share your joy when purchasing new art supplies at a great deal.

    How lucky you are to have a Jerry's around you! I'm not close enough to drive to one.


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