Sunday, November 16, 2008

One image

When cleaning out my garage this summer I stumbled across a bag of wood I had collected five years ago when they were building my house. The wood on my porches, the porch ceilings, the stairs and railings, and the siding is all made from teak. [It was criminal to paint it but we had to.] Here in coastal North Carolina teak has a life of about 50 years, more than any other wood around. It is also resistant to bugs, which, this is one big sand pile. Think ants and termites. Anyway I collected all these scraps thinking I will do something with them.

I brought the bag up to my studio. After five years in a paper sack the wood was a little dusty. I decided I couldn't keep the dirty bag up there so I put the scraps in a box. As I dusted off the scraps I realized they had far greater potential than I imagined five years ago. They are about 2 1/2 inches by 4 inches in size. Too big for ATC's yet they could be cut down or just used as they are. Of course, I had to see how paint reacted to the wood...

They began to take on a life of their own. I turned on a good movie, then another, then another and the next thing you know I had done over a dozen. I have decided to call them "studio or office muses". Something small yet to the point. A shrine - like thought to keep your muse on track. These are the first four.


  1. Simply wonderful art...good idea too!!!

  2. I love how your backgrounds and foregrounds work together, very clever and visually interesting.

  3. These are so gorgeous, Elizabeth. BTW, my "tagging" has been completed!

  4. Just gorgeous, Elizabeth!! As always! :o)

  5. I am glad to hear that you are making progress with 'the boot,' only sorry it's taking so long.
    Thanks so much for all the images you share and the art, recipes and photographs that are absolutely wonderful!

  6. I adore the girl with the pink! they all are so pretty! Melinda


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