Sunday, November 30, 2008

Speaking of Giveaways.......

Speaking of giveaways maybe I could ask some of you to comment. I am thinking about doing a giveaway. I have never done one before. I am asking for some input. What kind of things do you look for in a giveaway? Something the artist has made? art supplies? a little of both? one big treasure? lots of small treasures? Please comment and let me know. I foresee a giveaway in January.


  1. I think a piece created by you would be the best. Supplies, you just never know if others will use it...but then again who knows. My preference is a cool piece. I admire the work and that would be great.
    I haven't had a give away yet, but maybe on my birthday, or Valentines...that would be sweet!
    Can't wait to see what you decide!

  2. I too think that something the artist made is the best giveaway. And personally I like lots of small treasures - better chance of winning something (because I too never win). But whatever you decide will be wonderful I'm sure.

  3. Little late commenting here but I just love giveaways.. I've won a couple of things on blogs. My favorite thing is for it to be a piece of the bloggers art or craft. Happy Holidays... jaYne @ The Oddbird Studio

  4. I love how each artist puts their twist on a giveaway. Their art is a true treasure to receive. I recently won a giveaway from Pokey Bolton Quilting Arts mag.; a book and her hand-dyed fabrics. both were treasured gifts. I find it hard to use fabrics from someone. I tuck it and bring it out to look at it. lol


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.