Sunday, November 16, 2008


I have been tagged by Brenda Wampler. You might have seen some of her work in Somerset - the latest Handbag issue. She has a lot of really cool charms on her Memories and Treasures blog right now also.It has taken me over a week to get this up and posted. The rules are that you list 6 obscure or unknown facts about yourself, then you tag six other people. You let these people know by listing them and their blogs on your blog, then emailing them, then they tag six more people and they put your blog on their blog, and the gift keeps giving. So here are my six unknown or obscure facts about me:
1. I am actually pretty shy.
2. I love the rain. A good thunderstorm is tops on my list of weather I enjoy.
3. I believe in spices. They should be a food group of their own. I think people should be given a lesson in spices before they are left alone in the kitchen.
4. I talk during the movie, and it is irritating to others. Yes, I am the one you shoosh.
5. All animals like me. An example of this... I had a neighbor who had to board up the window in her house that faced my house because her dog would go nuts whenever I came home. He clawed up all the woodwork and cracked the window several times. She was glad when I moved.
6. I have never lived in one city longer than 10 years.

Here are my six people I am tagging... enjoy.
1. Gayle she always has wonderful new stuff on her blog. She is on a design team. This is definitely worth a browse a couple times a week.
2. Sharon from way across the country on the West coast - Puget Sound -the cascades. She has some delightful soul dolls and purses on her blog. I love her photos because I feel like I have traveled across the country.
3. Viola who does everything with an international twist to it. She also has some very nice free images on her blog.
4. Adrienne from across the pond in Wales. I enjoy her cards, her image transfers, and the things she is doing with Lutradur. I have not tried this yet an Adrienne has several things on there using this medium that are very interesting.
5. Valerie is four years young on her altered art journey but you would never guess it. I love the way she is not afraid to experiment with different techniques. Her blog has a lovely post written about what her art friends mean to her and how her blog has introduced her to all sorts of new things. I really think she has said what most of us who blog think and feel and maybe just have not sat down and put into words. Thank you Val.
6. Toni who is a Southern girl or maybe I should say Cajan girl. She makes some purses to die for. I missed her latest....sold before I could take a breath. She is definitely into mixed media - and has a wonderful sense of color. Check out her blog I don't think you will be disappointed.

The photo is from Minnie Evans bottle house here in town taken by me.

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