Monday, November 17, 2008

Technique Book

Technique books seem to be the latest swap rage on several of the yahoo groups I am in. The one pictured is from a Book Artz group. There were 32 of us and two people did two pages. Each participant chose an art technique and completed a set amount of pages with the instructions to do that technique on the back. We were to do 32 pages that were 4" by 6" and send them off with postage and binding fee to our hostess. In return we got this lovely book.

In another group - Art techniques - we did "the obscene fat book" with 120 participants and 120 pages . That book was a 4" by 4" book that we are to bind ourselves. I have not bound it yet, but when I do I will post it.

I did the bandanna technique for the 120 page book, and for the Book Artz group I did image transfers with transparencies. Believe it or not there is another technique book out there going on that should be completed in 2009 with over 100 people signed up [sign ups are still going on.] This book's theme is techniques using recycled things. A green technique book of sorts.

These are very cool books in that you have examples right there with instructions on how to do a technique. All different I might add. It has been a very uniting experience. I am hoping to be able to try a lot of these techniques out in the new year.


  1. Wow! That book is beautiful.

  2. Thanks for sharing your pics. I was hoping to be able to see what this book looked like!

  3. cool books, nice blog!

    well done young lady!

  4. This book looks so cool. I've never participated in a technic book swap, although I've been tempted to. I remember when the sign-ups were going on for the "obscene fat book" on Arttechniques group, and couldn't believe how the number of sign-ups kept increasing. That must be a totally amazing book. I'm wondering, how do you plan to bind yours???

  5. I'm doing the next technique book in Arttechniques. I'm intrigued by making 100+ pieces of one technique. I sure hope I don't make myself nuts doing this!!!


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