Monday, December 1, 2008

Proximidade Award

This weekend I received an award from an online friend - Marva. She has a very clever blog by the name of Purple Paint's Muse. I am quite honored to receive this award. I take these awards seriously. I really appreciate that you have taken the time out of your day to come and visit me. So, Thank You Marva. I will try to make my blog the best it can be. Each of the awards has rules so I am posting the rules to this award as follows - this one is easy because it is one long statement.

"This blog invests and believes the proximity - nearness in space, time, and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of the prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers, who must choose eight more and include this cleverly written text into the body of their award."

So here are my eight:
1. Brenda Wampler her blog - Memories and Treasures - is just that, a treasure. Wonderful art work as you will see when you visit. Mixed media artist from that big state of Texas.

2. Tricia McKellar - a North Carolina artist - her blog Note 99 - is full of wonderful photographs and collages. She has definitely found her niche.

3. Lisa from Simple Journeys. Her blog has a lot of very cool altered books in it. Which in retrospect makes a lot of since as she is a Librarian from Texas. Seriously her work is great.

4. Martha Brown -M-is-for-Martha - I love her art work. She is just so fresh and has such a dry wit. maybe it is the Northern neighbor in her - she is from Toronto Canada.

5. Jeane from - Art it - has some very cool things o her blog. She is getting ready for a big show and it is fun to follow along with her. I love the aged look of her work. Some things look like relics.

6. grrl & dog - This is a fantastic fiber blog out of Australia. So much talent. The color is bold. I love her knits, her pictures of knits. It is brilliant.

7. Debbi Baker - another fiber blog, but more felt and incredible fiber postcards. Truly inspiring.

8. Linda and Rosie from across the pond. These girls have three blogs. So you are getting three in one with this one. Each is unique and wonderful. Linda's Blue Eyed Girl makes me sing when I visit. Rosie's ATC Exchange is so much fun. Then the finale is their Big Art Adventure. I am warning you now plan to spend some time here.

Grab a cup of coffee or a drink and settle down for a lovely adventure. Enjoy.


  1. Thank you so much for the wonderful award! I am most appreciative, and thank you for all the sweet words too! I will try hard to live up to them!

  2. Elizabeth, I am honored that you chose my blog as one of your recepients! I will display it proudly. Thanks for the kind things you said about my art!
    Just browsed your blog--LOVE it!

  3. Elizabeth - thank you so much - this is an honor - now I will have to go and check out your blog and fellow honories blogs.

  4. Thank you Elizabeth...for the award and for the lovely things you said about us. We are very grateful.
    Linda and Rosie


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