Thursday, December 11, 2008

Freebies - Christmas Cards

These are Christmas cards given to me by my grandmother when I was in college. She wanted to make sure I sent out cards. They were old when she sent them to me, some of her stash I am sure. Any way I ran across them the other day and thought you might be able to use them in your Christmas or Holiday art.


  1. Thank you! These remind me of the one in my stash. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Love the vintage cards! Sounds like your Grandma was a lot like mine...a saver of all things & loving pretty bits...and especially loving her grandchildren! thanks for the images & the memories...

    lovely jewelry!!

  3. I have a set of greeting cards still in the box from my grandma too...I just love these....I wanted to tell you that I saved your email to the fabric atc group dealing with my depression over Christmas for the little kids...It meant a lot to me and gave me hope...I am hoping for a memorable Christmas....Thanks so much Melinda

  4. thank you for sharing these, very sweet vintage cards! they will look good with pressed flowers!
    Happy Holidays, Terica

  5. Thank you for sharing these wonderful cards. They remind me of my childhood and getting cards from my Mim (Mom's mom).

  6. Thank you for sharing these darling little cards!


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