Sunday, December 7, 2008

Journal Pages - Healing Love

Another prompt finished. This prompt was healing love. We were to think of someone in our life that needed healing love. Send them healing thoughts. This was easy for me. I knew immediately who needed some healing. One of my closest friends and I have been through a rocky road in our friendship. We have always been like sisters and like sisters we can have bad times, too.

I needed to send some healing love out to both of us. Remembering to keep each other in our hearts. Hoping that she will respect my new boundaries and be open to new things and new ideas. If things are always the same, life becomes stagnant. As people, the events in our life tend to change us. Be open to change.....sending healing thoughts.

I used a piece of patterned cardstock for this page. I put a thin layer of gesso over it then added a wash of acrylic. I used some new images from Paper Whimsey, blown up and then divided. I glued them down and then gessoed over the. I waited about thirty second with the first then wiped some areas clear. I did the same with the second but waited about fifteen seconds before I wiped it. I wanted the second image - me to be clearer. The puzzle looking pieces are a stencil I made with a punch. I took one of the pieces and from making the stencil and put it in the girl's hand. I used Marvy markers and a black pen to do the lettering.


  1. This is a lovely page. I hope your friend is understanding. I've had a number of friendships that have changed in the last year. I was really lucky that with one of them we have maintained our friendship in the transition.

    Thanks for sharing your techniques.

    {soul hugs}

  2. These are truly amazing pages Elizabeth, you should be very proud of them.
    Linda xx

  3. mmmm, beautiful pages to honor that which is sacred in each of you. Some of these transitions in friendship can be so hard - I hope that yours will survive and thrive!

  4. I like the flow of the lettering with the artwork.

  5. Your artwork is truly incredible.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. these are fantastic pages. keep plugging along with the friendship it will work out.

  7. I am loving these journal pages. So beautiful, and so many layers.


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