Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Journal Pages - Instant Gratification

These are my first two journal pages for my new journal - see earlier post. I am in a yahoo group called Soul Journal. I just joined and am sort of catching up on the prompts. This is the first prompt - Instant Gratification.
You are to grab a magazine image that catches your fancy. Something that portrays a verb. Then glue that down and start writing. This is just a warm up exercise. I am doing my journal format a little different because I am using a three ring binder. I decided to do two separate pages rather than a spread. [ More that one image jumped out at me.] I am using watercolor paper with acrylic washed and gesso as background for my pages right now.
More tomorrow.


  1. I love your journal pages. Great idea about keeping them in a binder. I have only just joined Soul Journal group too, but as yet, have not started. I'm starting with the very first prompts when I come back from holiday. (vacation)

  2. oh I love your journal prompts. Both are great pieces of art. A fan of paint brushes - how creative with your inspiration on each one. I like the idea of a 3-ring binder. Oh my word verification for this post is "wingns". looks like you have decided to soar not just fly.

  3. Color my world is fabulous! LOve, love, love it!

  4. This is just gorgeous!
    Peace & Love,

  5. Oh, I just love the one with the clocks in it. You words have an upbeat feela nd the woman's face adds a feeling of dread. It make you think of the tug of war with time.

  6. Your journal pages are looking great. Love your writing on the timeless page. It looks perfect and the colors are perfect too. And the color page, well, that is fantastic too! Welcome to the SJ group. It's going to be such fun to see what you do with each prompt.

  7. I love this, Elizabeth!! And love the lettering!!


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