Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Walk - Keeping up with the Big Guys

This was my first real walk since September when I broke my foot. I was able to wear a real pair of shoes and leave my air cast boot in the car. Of course I shared it with three of my favorite people. You can't let 71 degree weather in December go to waste. A good time was had by all.


  1. WHEEEHOOO! Yea, Elizabeth - so happy to hear that you could walk with a shoe on - I know how thrilled and grateful you must be - I was injured (broke my wrist, leg and other injuries) during the Northridge earthquake in '94 and was down for 8 weeks - I remember what it was like to get my cast off and be able to do little things - I have never forgotten what it was like not to be able to do things - I'm actually grateful for my injuries - I learned so much during my recovery time - so I can relate to our experience - keep up the good work! hugs - Reva (Los Angeles)

  2. I'm glad to read that your foot is much improved. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. The pictures, the quotes, everything. It's a really good read, so thank you for taking the trouble to do it. ;-))

    And what a small world it is. I just ordered two issues of Page by Page before I came to check out your blog this morning and I happen to know Reva who posted the comment before this one! Happy Holidays! HUGS, Marilyn (from BookArtz)

  3. I need you to know that it's zero degrees here and has snowed 21 of the last 24 days...

  4. OK. After checking in to tell you how you should feel sorry for me in Oregon with the past week of snow, and then I read Ariana has had 21 days of it, I guess I'll just keep my mouth shut! Enjoy your blog a lot. jeanne in Oregon


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