Monday, January 12, 2009

Blog Award - Kreativ Blogger

Sandee of Sandee's Sanity awarded me this award tonight. This is a sweet award. You name seven things you love and then seven people you have awarded the award to. So here goes...
Seven Things I Love:
1. My God
2. My family
3. My friends
4. My ability to move around, walk, swim, without anyone helping me. A lesson I learned well after breaking my foot.
5. My say, think, feel, eat, do, etc. whatever I want whenever I want. And the people that have sacrificed so I have these freedoms.
6. The quiet of the early morning.
7. The wind in my hair.

My seven nominees or awardees:
1. Jodi - Art from the Hart. Most organized and prolific artist. Does alot of design work, beautiful things. Jodi is from Canada. Brrr.
2. Vale - a wonderful journal artist who also has a great journal site. She also is out of Canada.
3. Linda - talk about altered books, my goodness, her books will take your breathe away. of course she does everything big cause she is a Texan!
4. Kim - She does wonderful collages. You will find her at ruined art. Doesn't that name just evoke images? Speaking of images she has some wonderful free images she shares. Thank you Kim.
5. Cheryl - I love her work,especially her journal backgrounds, but I really think Cheryl should become a writer. Her book reviews are awesome. She should have a column - an illustrated column.
6. Gaby - Her stuff is hot. Great texture, and her freebies are very nice. Could be because she is from Brazil. Those women have style.
7. Mizkatie - This is just a blog that will tickle you. Lots of eye candy, great journal pages, her painting is delightful.


  1. thanks so much for the award Elizabeth ... you have listed some pretty great blogs ... Linda F

  2. Thanks SO MUCH for this Elizabeth - you are much too kind!

  3. wow! i had no idea! this is my first time here. i followed an incoming link on my blog, and wow! i am nominee!!??? thank you! i am thrilled. :)


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