Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Going Home

Last week I went home for the first time in a long time to see my Mom and Dad, brother, nephews, etc... After breaking my foot travel was not an option. Now that I am finally starting to feel like my old self I needed to go home. It is a haul from the beach to the Nation's Capitol. I start to feel close when I get to Quantico. Itchy when I turn on to the George Washington Parkway, elated when the Potomac River and the Washington Monument come into view. I never get tired of seeing this city.

We brought the cold weather with us. It was frightfully cold. Colder than I have been in quite awhile. Brrr. The good news was the skies were clear and the sky was beautiful. It is so good to see everyone. Talk to my folks, eat my Mom's cooking...shop, antique, sightseeing... This is the bridge to Roosevelt Island. I like to walk there when I go home. When my boys were little my Dad an I would take them there to run off energy. Doesn't the river look cold with all the ice in it? The next morning it was almost all frozen.

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