Thursday, January 22, 2009

Journal Page - Defining Words

This is my Defining Word page for my Soul Journal group. The prompt was to believe in yourself, imagine only good for yourself, visualize what you want. Then take a magazine or two and search through it, not focusing on the images but on the words that jump out at you. Tear them out and glue them down to your journal page.

I used one of my pre- painted journal pages that I really didn't like to glue the words down on. I knew most of the page would be covered with words, sayings, and doodling so it seemed like a good way to recycle bad art. I often tear out words and images and throw them in separate boxes to use for journaling and for my glue books. It is something to do when I am watching a movie or a TV show. It is much easier than having a bunch of magazines hanging around. The other benefit is that when I am in the mood to glue I have materials all cut out and ready to go. Oops I am getting off track.

After I laid out the words and thoughts, I used gel medium to glue them down. I used sharpie paint pens to doodle on the page. This was sort of an eye opener when I was finished, to read it all put together. It was nice to reaffirm some of the things that have been swirling around since before the new year.


  1. I do the same thing with magazines too. If you have an extra photo album, the words slip nicely under the platic sleeves and its easy to view them later on. I just pull that out when I want to use them, and don't have to sift through all the pieces of paper in a storage box. Love your art, speaks volumes doesn't it! :)

  2. The page is great! I am taking a Visual Journaling Workshop and this is very inspiring.
    Always good to have the affirmations.

  3. Great, great idea!!!!!!!!! I'm going to do this! I usually work with fabric so my idea is to do a paper collage then scan and print on fabric. Check my blog - oh you better give me a week. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. This is a fabulous idea. As soon as I am done doing grades and writing comments for my students I'm doing it!!
    And I'm going to look at more of your blog!
    try again

  5. I don't know about you, but I'm having a very cathartic time with these journal pages!!! I love your defining words...


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