Friday, January 30, 2009

Journal Page - Home

I realized after being home this month how much I really missed my Mom and Dad. I love this image of this girl and I thought I would play around with some image transfers. I took bristol board, painted several layers of acrylic paint, glaze, and ink. Then transfered my images. Stamped and added the girl. She reminds me no matter how far away you are, home is always with you, in your heart.


  1. your page AND message is fabulous
    the transfer turned out so well
    i am so drawn to these old photos
    and i like how you incorporated the theme
    this would be a piece worthy of framing

  2. I love how you´ve doubled the image, this is quite thought-provoking, beginning to tell a story.

  3. Oh this is SUPER .... love the image and all ....... Linda F

  4. This is just beautiful! I'm thinking this would make a fantastic blog header. I just love it!

  5. Love your piece. I really like the colors and the double images...oh, and the sentiment especially!

  6. This one is splendid in all of its details. You have captured such depth with your background in this piece. Simply amazing! I just adore your color choises.
    Gaby xo

  7. Hi Elizabeth!
    Your blog is looking FANTASTIC! I am SO loving this image transfer piece . . . it's AWESOME!


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.