Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Keeping My Resolutions

Every year we always talk about exercising or eating right, doing this or doing that. Most of the time I am pretty good at keeping those promises to myself. After I broke my foot I decided no matter what I would get out everyday and walk, eat better and develop more upper body strength. Something as women we are never told how important to our general health it really is.

Try walking around on crutches and hauling your backside up and down some stairs with out using both feet, but your arms. Not easy. So what does all this have to do with these pictures you are asking? Well, I thought it would be easier for me to keep my goals if I included art with it. I would much rather spend my extra time doing that than almost anything else [except family]. So everywhere I go I am parking far away from my destination and walking, walking on the beach, and walking to the library, post office and even the store. I can't ride a bike yet but hopefully soon.

I have vowed to take at least 40 to 50 pictures a day. Once I have taken them I must spend some time in photoshop learning the nuances of this program. That could take years from what I have heard from others, but it is the journey that matters. So here are a couple photos. Two of them are to say even the most common thing can be turned into art. It is everywhere.

The pier where my beach walks start and end.

A lovely rusted handle. I am sure it was red once.

A copper water faucet just outside the post office painted a lovely canary yellow.


  1. I love these pictures and what a great idea! Melinda

  2. I have been enjoying your blog and collages. I like the 'artsy' photos. My delightful award from you is finally posted! Drop by and see.

  3. I think your pictures are great and I like the concept of using art for additional motivation! I look forward to seeing more of them.

  4. 40 or 50 a day is a lot! How about one, so you can enjoy it more? I love what you've done so far.

  5. I love your photos. You really have a good eye for the interesting. Good luck with your resolutions. I like the idea of including art in your day such as when you are walking. I try to do that too, although I had not really put it into words before now. So it gives me something to think about and focus on from now on. Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. These are such wonderful photos, Elizabeth, Beautiful!


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