Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tip in Pages - Sandee

Front of house.

Back of house.

What to do when the snow is falling and it is cold outside? Make spaghetti and work on art commitments of course. This is my tip in page for this month. My partner - Sandee - chose house pages. I know she likes Zetti so I decided to use some of Teesha Moore's Zetti girls and go from there. A few door photographs and everything else just fell together. I hope she likes it.


  1. I can't imagine *anyone* not liking that.. I would never have thought to deco the back as well, way to go on a very nicely laid out project.

  2. I like!!!A lot!!!
    Is there a way you can do a small tutorial about theses houses???

  3. All I can say is F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!!!

  4. Splendid tip in pages Elizabeth, really gorgeous!
    We're still waiting for some snow here in N VA.....none yet!

  5. Oh wonderful work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love the houses.


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