Monday, February 9, 2009

Book Marks

These are bookmarks I made for me. Yes, just for me. Something pretty to mark the place in the books I am reading. Something totally frivolous just for me.
One of the yahoo groups was having a bookmark swap that I was unable to commit to. I decide to use the last bit of scrap from the sheet I cut my journal page and two 4 by 4's. It was the perfect size to make into a bookmark. Plus the backgrounds for both sides were already finished.
I rarely make anything for just me. I think that is why our journal pages are so important and creative. They are just for us. This is part of my 2009 thing - make more things that I would want - that I think up. I am always making stuff for swaps. It seems that by the time I get all of that finished there is very little time to do what is in my head. Consequently my swap participation will probably go way down. As I finish out commitments I am not going to take on any new ones. I feel like I need to feed the Muse in my head for awhile. Challenge myself. Does anyone else feel like swaps and challenges has taken over your art work? Maybe I just need to find more balance in my life.


  1. I agree with you, even though I haven't done very many swaps lately... maybe it's the "have to" and "deadline" feelings with swaps versus the "want to" feeling with personal artwork, like journaling?? Love the bookmarks!!

  2. Lovely bookmarks. And yes, you can certainly do too many swaps. I try to be really careful with how many I sign up for - which is not many these days. I used to do more.

  3. I love them, Elizabeth - and one never has too many bookmarks!

  4. I have also cut way back on joining swaps. In their time they were so much fun and I learned a lot, but when it gets to the point where it's not fun anymore and you're feeling like there's no more time for "you", then you're doing the right thing by taking a break from it!! I love your bookmarks too! Hugs, Tami

  5. your keeper bookmarks are lovely
    the backgrounds are terrific!

    and nice full tassles...(if i spelled that right)

  6. gorgeous bookmarks Elizabeth.
    I intend doing way less swaps this year because as you say we are so busy doing things that are the ideas of others there is no time left for what 'I' want to do. I have got off to a good start this year so hopefully I can stick to my resolution.

  7. Fabulous bookmarks. The images are great, love them both.


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